How to buy a quality phone charger?

Although the standard of mobile phone charging interface has been basically unified, the power adapter of different brands of mobile phones is not unified, including the current and other technical indicators are not the same.There was once a news report that the iPad charger was used to charge the iPhone, which caused an explosion and a fire, which really surprised many people who often do this. The safety of the charger has been very worrying, and there are a lot of speculation and rumors about the use of the charger.

The amount of current output of the charger mainly depends on the appliance itself, which has a special charging circuit inside, and they can limit the current according to the situation. The current mentioned on the charger is the maximum current that the charger can provide, but this does not mean that the charger will charge the appliance at the maximum current when charging the appliance. Although the charging time is different, there is no problem with the mutual charging of the two from the design theory.

At present, most domestic and foreign manufacturers such as Samsung, Motorola, Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo and other major mobile phone manufacturers have gradually converted the interface into Type-C interface. Although the standard of mobile phone charging interface has been basically unified, the power adapter of different brands of mobile phones is not unified, including the current and other technical indicators are not the same. When charging the mobile phone, it is best to use the original charger or use a well-known brand charger that can be used universally.

The charger plug is plugged into the socket of 220V AC, and after the mobile phone is connected to the charger through the data cable, the 220V AC power is first converted into high-voltage direct current through the rectifier circuit, and then turned into high-frequency and high-voltage pulses through the switch tube, and then converted into low-voltage (such as 5V) pulses through the transformer. The 5V low-voltage pulse then passes through a rectifier and voltage stabilization circuit to become a 5V stable direct current. That's the whole process of charging your phone.

In practice, the current is determined based on the load that is connected behind (i.e., the mobile phone). As long as it is within its reach, the charger will provide as much current as the mobile phone needs. If the phone needs more current than the charger can provide, the charger will always output this maximum current.

The original charger is equipped with a transformer, which can automatically adjust even in the case of unstable voltage, which is more safe. The cheap cottage charger lacks a protection circuit and cannot ensure the stability of the current during charging, which is easy to burn out the battery, shorten the service life of the battery, and even have the risk of explosion.

In addition, if you are using a qualified power adapter, it is normal for the adapter to heat up during the charging process, because it needs to consume energy when converting the output voltage, and part of it becomes heat energy and conducts on the surface of the adapter. In the actual use process, the lithium-ion battery is a number of cells together with a set of safety protection circuits and a variety of safety devices packaged into a battery board, which can ensure that the battery circuit is automatically cut off in the event of overcharging, over-discharge and short circuit; High pressure inside the battery can also trigger the exhaust to depressurize. So charging your phone overnight won't damage the battery.But all this, cheap copycat batteries cannot be guaranteed, but may cause irreparable safety tragedy. So cheap copycat chargers should never be bought.

Advice on choosing a mobile phone charger

1. There is an option to purchase a well-known brand charger with a guarantee. When buying, choose a charger that better matches your phone's battery. Before purchasing, understand the basic information such as the type, capacity, and limiting voltage of the mobile phone battery.

2. It should be confirmed that the charger (power adapter) has the CCC mark. The CCC-certified power adapter meets the requirements of national mandatory standards in terms of electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility performance, and is safe and secure. In addition, for the authenticity of the CCC logo, you can go to the website of the CNCA to check.

3. Carefully check the appearance, check that the appearance of the product is complete and clear, such as rated voltage, rated current, rated frequency, manufacturer name, model code, etc. It is best not to buy products that are incomplete or confusing.

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